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Invasive Species

Published on 5/17/2018

Great Lakes Education - a short video about invasive species, an editorial on Illinois’ call for negotiation, and a recent community conversation on Foxconn


Here are some interesting links to Great Lakes and Wisconsin issues.  Enjoy!

  • Journal Sentinel - Watch the final installment of

    “Across the Divide” - A critical conversation about Foxconn in Racine County

“Gov. Scott Walker and Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou signed the biggest economic development deal in Wisconsin history last week, a $3 billion agreement that could bring up to 13,000 jobs to the Racine area over the next few years.


But before that happens, there are hundreds of details to attend to, especially at the local level. And there remain big philosophical questions about whether states and localities should spend so much taxpayer money to subsidize economic development.”


This video was recorded May 8, Wednesday night at Prairie School in Racine.  This is the last in a yearlong community conversation sponsored by the Journal Sentinel and WUWM (89.7-FM).


Or LISTEN to the event: